Recommit to the Independent Living Movement

Dear NCIL Membership,

We are writing to bring to your attention to an important initiative spearheaded by Liberators for Justice (L4J) that we believe warrants your involvement.

The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) has recently endorsed a sign-on letter known as the “Recommitment to the Independent Living Movement.” This letter serves as a rallying call to leaders within the Independent Living movement to reaffirm their dedication to the IL movement and its guiding principles.

In alignment with this recommitment, NCIL strongly urges our valued members to actively engage in this endeavor by adding their signatures as organizations, leaders, advocates, or individuals with disabilities.

Here’s a poignant excerpt from the letter:

“The Independent Living movement has reached a critical juncture where we must decide whether to advance from our hard-fought triumphs for self-determination, community integration, and self-leadership, or risk becoming increasingly disconnected from our disability communities and society at large. We, the undersigned, choose the former. We implore the boards and executives of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) to stand with us in renewing our commitment to the goals of the Independent Living movement and to align those goals with the present needs and aspirations of our unified disabled community.”

Let us take this opportunity to reaffirm our collective mission and remind ourselves why we embarked on this journey in the first place. By endorsing this recommitment, we demonstrate to all that we are a collective unified voice.

Thank you for your continued support,

Theo Braddy, MSW

Executive Director

National Council on Independent Living