Visit the NCIL Member Center to become a NCIL Member today!
NCIL has two types of memberships:
Individual Membership: The cost of individual membership is $35.00, or $10.00 for people age 26 and under.
Organizational Membership: Centers for Independent Living, Statewide Independent Living Councils, and other organizations are encouraged to purchase organizational membership, the cost of which is based on the organization’s annual budget, not including pass-through funds.
More Options:
- Membership Form (Word)
- Membership Form in plain text
- Membership Form in Large Print (Word)
- Non-Member Sign Up Form
Although revenue from membership dues is vital to NCIL’s continued operation, it is our goal to represent 100% of CILs and SILCs across the nation and we will never deny membership because of financial hardship. If you would like to negotiate your dues, please do not hesitate to contact Darrell Lynn Jones at [email protected].
Please note that, except in the instances of administrative error, NCIL memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.