NCIL’s Governing Board is composed of 23 individuals, a majority of whom have disabilities. The Governing Board meets four times each year. A seven member Executive Committee, which meets monthly via teleconference, is empowered to make policy decisions between Governing Board meetings.
Executive Committee
President: Kent Crenshaw
- Montgomery, Alabama
- Independent Rights & Resources
Vice President: Jeff Hughes
- Norman, Oklahoma
- Progressive Independence
Treasurer: Jeremy Morris
- Gahanna, Ohio
- Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
Secretary: John Herring
- Springfield, Illinois
- Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
Executive Director: Theo Braddy
- Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
- National Council on Independent Living
Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEIA) Committee Chair: Vicki Landers
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Disability Pride Pennsylvania
Regional Representative Committee Chair: Kimberly Meck
- Seattle, Washington
- Alliance of People with Disabilities
Regional Representatives
Region 1: Steve Higgins
- East Bridgewater, Massachusetts
- Independence Associates, Inc.
- Representing: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2: Aaron Baier
- Troy, New York
- The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley
- Representing: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 3: Vacant
- Representing: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 4: Edward Mitchell
- Jackson, Tennessee
- Statewide Independent Living Council of Tennessee
- Representing: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Region 5: Vacant
- Representing: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Region 6: Greg Colvin
- Clinton, Oklahoma
- Representing: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 7: Vacant
- Representing: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 8: Tami Hoar
- Missoula, Montana
- Summit Independent Living
- Representing: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Region 9: Lisa Hayes
- San Bernadino, California
- Rolling Start, Inc.
- Representing: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands
Region 10: Kimberly Meck
- Seattle, Washington
- Alliance of People with Disabilities
- Representing: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Members At Large
Latricia Seye
- Chicago, Illinois
- Access Living
Suzanna Gamez
- Fresno, California
- Resources for Independence Central Valley
Amy Tweedle
- Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Spa Area Independent Living Services
Thomas Earle
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Liberty Resources
Jason Beloungy
- Madison, Wisconsin
- Access to Independence, Inc.
Brittany Boyd-Chisholm
- Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
- Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania
Youth Member At Large: Andrew Brown
- East Bridgewater, Massachusetts
- Independence Associates, Inc.