NCIL Committee Structure

NCIL’s complex structure of Governing Board Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces ensures that the tremendous amount of work we accomplish is truly grassroots and consumer controlled. We welcome NCIL members to become involved in the national IL Movement by joining a group that is currently seeking members.

Most NCIL committees, subcommittees, and task forces (from this point forward referred to collectively as “committees”) have monthly calls, although some meet more or less frequently. Many of the committees also communicate via email to stay in touch and work on subcommittee tasks between calls. The required time commitment varies by committee; we recommend you reach out to the committee chair or NCIL staff member if you have questions about the requirements for a specific committee(s).

Accommodations are available to committee members by request. Please contact the Chair or NCIL staff member listed to request an accommodation.

The Executive Committee is chaired by Kent Crenshaw. Learn more >>

The Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee is chaired by Larissa Martin and staffed by Theo Braddy. Learn more >>

The Finance Committee is chaired by Jeremy Morris and staffed by Angelia White. Learn more >>

The Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee is chaired by Aaron Baier and staffed by Denise Law. Learn more >>

The Regional Representatives Committee is chaired by Kimberly Meck and staffed by Theo Braddy. Learn more >>

The CIL Capacity Committee is chaired by Jason Beloungy and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>

The Operational Excellence Committee is chaired by John Herring and staffed by Jenny Sichel. Learn more >>

The Programs and Projects Committee is chaired by Brittany Boyd Chisholm and staffed by Mary-Kate Wells.

  • The Annual Conference Subcommittee is chaired by Lindsay Miller and staffed by Jenny Sichel. Learn more >>

The Advocacy and Public Policy Committee is chaired by Jeff Hughes and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>

  • The ADA / Civil Rights Subcommittee is chaired by Steve Higgins and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>
  • The Disability & Disaster Subcommittee is chaired by Shari Myers staffed by Jessica Podesva.
  • The Healthcare / Long Term Services & Supports Subcommittee is chaired by Lisa Hayes and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>
    • The Chronic Pain / Opioids Work Group is chaired by Kristi McGarity and Beth Steckler. Learn more >>
  • The International Subcommittee is co-chaired by LeAnn Naillon and Larissa Martin and staffed by Jessica Podesva.
  • The Housing Subcommittee is co-chaired by Gloria Garton and Debie Fidler and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>
  • The Transportation Subcommittee is chaired by Peter Johnke and staffed by Jessica Podesva. Learn more >>