Home Usability Peer Network Resources

Home Usability Peer Network Logo: A green house icon surrounds black text.

Welcome to the Home Usability Peer Network Resource Page

Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Life starts at Home. Community living is at the core of the Independent Living Movement. However, most homes are not designed with the needs of people with disabilities in mind. In addition, the current housing crisis means a person with a disability might have to live in an un-usable home while waiting for accessible and affordable housing. Centers for Independent Living can provide critical resources to address home usability needs.

So what can we do?

The Home Usability Peer Network is a community of peer support and resource sharing to build the capacity of Centers for Independent Living to address housing and home usability issues. The Network will connect CILs from across the country to share resources, lessons learned, and provide peer support to help in our shared mission of community living.

The Home Usability Peer Network is a collaboration between the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) and the Research and Training Center: Promoting Interventions for Community Living (RTC:PICL).

Contact [email protected] for more information or questions.