Regional IL Showcase Archives

April 26, 2023: New York; Washington


  • Suzanne de Beaumont, New York Association for Independent Living (NYAIL): Suzanne will speak about the Open Doors statewide program that the NYAIL brings to 24 Centers across the state.
  • Gerilyn Capps-Anderson, Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL) – Gerilyn will speak to the implementation of the Open Doors program at her Center for Independent Living.
  • Todd Holloway, Center for Independence – Todd will speak about The Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning. It is a statewide disability advisory group that provides technical advice on physical and programmatic accesses and effective communication strategies.

January 26, 2023: Arkansas; Illinois


  • Amy Tweedle, Spa Area Independent Living Services (Hot Springs, AR) – Amy will speak about SAILS’ program, which combines health and wellness with emergency shelter.
  • Candace Coleman, Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago (Chicago, IL) – Candace will speak on the Community Emergency Services and Supports Act (CESSA), which was passed into law last year. Candace will explain what CESSA is, how it was passed, and the steps being taken to implement it.

November 9, 2022: Massachusetts; Vermont; North Carolina


  • Bill Henning, Boston Center for Independent Living – Bill will share their state’s successful legislative campaign to add significant state funding for CILs.
  • Peter Johnke, Vermont Center for Independent Living – Peter will describe VCIL’s successful rural transportation program.
  • Sharif Brown, Alliance of Disability Advocates (Raleigh, NC) – Sharif will present their prison reentry program called ADA Reentry.