November 1, 2021
NCIL is happy to announce the release of our new Fact Sheet for CILs, Funding Options for Transition and Diversion During COVID-19.
The Fact Sheet is written in plain language and available in several formats.
About the Fact Sheet
COVID-19 has hurt disabled people. Centers for Independent Living (CILs) have been trying to help disabled people survive during the pandemic. CILs have been helping disabled people leave institutions and move to their own homes. Helping disabled people leave institutions is called transition. CILs have also helped people to stay in their homes with the support they need. Helping people stay in their own homes is called diversion.
Some federal programs have made money available to support this work of CILs. There are many different ways CILs can get money from the federal government to work with disabled people during the pandemic. This fact sheet talks about these options. It also talks about how CILs can use this money. All the options give CILs money to support disabled and aging people in the community. CILs can use this money to move people out of institutions and support people in their own homes.
The Fact Sheet is about five different funding sources:
- CARES Act money
- Category B money
- No Wrong Door money
- Changes to Medicaid funding
- Money Follows the Person money